IndependentRecallTopNMetric |
An alternate methodology from computing precision/recall scores.
IndependentRecallTopNMetric.Builder |
IndependentRecallTopNMetric.Result |
ItemSelectors |
Class providing various item selectors.
MAPTopNMetric |
Compute the mean average precision.
MAPTopNMetric.AggregateResult |
MAPTopNMetric.Builder |
MAPTopNMetric.Context |
MAPTopNMetric.UserResult |
MRRTopNMetric |
Compute the mean reciprocal rank.
MRRTopNMetric.AggregateResult |
MRRTopNMetric.Builder |
MRRTopNMetric.Context |
MRRTopNMetric.UserResult |
NDCGTopNMetric |
NDCGTopNMetric.Builder |
NDCGTopNMetric.Result |
PrecisionRecallTopNMetric |
A metric to compute the precision and recall of a recommender given a
set of candidate items to recommend from and a set of desired items.
PrecisionRecallTopNMetric.Builder |
PrecisionRecallTopNMetric.Result |
TopNEntropyMetric |
Metric that measures the entropy of the top N recommendations across all users.
TopNEntropyMetric.Builder |
TopNEntropyMetric.Result |
TopNLengthMetric |
Metric that measures how long a TopN list actually is.
TopNLengthMetric.Builder |
Build a Top-N length metric to measure Top-N lists.
TopNLengthMetric.Result |
TopNMetricBuilder<K> |
TopNPopularityMetric |
Metric that measures how popular the items in the TopN list are.
TopNPopularityMetric.Builder |
TopNPopularityMetric.Result |